The office space functions as an "energy hub," gathering and transmitting each individual's intelligence, much like a relay gathers and conducts electrical current. It embodies the transformation from basic energy to significant benefits.
Starting with the imagery of a relay, the aim is to elevate the relationship between people and space beyond mere functional demands. This relationship should be expressed through a refined form embodying continuity, advancement, and sustainability. This approach parallels the work of Constantin Brâncuși, the pioneer of modernist sculpture, whose underlying concepts consistently transcend the external form of objects, focusing on the expression of their inner essence.
For over twenty years, Towards Industrial has led the industry with its core product of relays. Tuo Wei Industrial also aims to reflect its grand vision and humanistic warmth through a high-quality office environment, fostering the company's growth across multiple dimensions.
Therefore, from a sustainable and forward-looking perspective, this design proposal aims to build a positive office ecosystem. It aims to create an efficient work environment that stimulates potential, reflects diverse cultures and corporate values, and will serve as a cornerstone for the company to attract talent, create value, and enhance its competitive advantage.
Beyond fulfilling functional requirements, the vision concept is shaped by applying Brancusi's approach to space and essence. This involves translating these ideas into the design of the space's form and light, using abstract forms to showcase the ongoing transmission of energy.
Parallel light strips, resembling a runway, extend from the entrance through the lobby and into the meeting rooms, enhancing the visual and spatial flow. The minimalist and dynamic streamlined design represents the convergence, movement, and amplification of energy, akin to the function of relays. It also symbolises the gathering and blending of ideas and creativity within the space.
On the other hand, regardless of the evolving nature of work, office spaces must address the three core needs of "collaboration," "focus," and "idea exchange." The preferences of different generations of workers should also be respected. The design incorporates independent workstations, open communication areas, soundproof pods, and multifunctional spaces to provide a flexible balance for these needs.
The ten-year growth blueprint crystallises the company's spirit while expanding the flexibility of spatial functions. The design showcases the company's grand vision and imbues the space with a warm, humanistic quality.

The Convergence and Transmission of Energy
Brancusi's Arc of Dynamism
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Taipei City
510 Section 5 Zhongxiao
East Road, XinYi District
Taipei City, Taiwan 11077
+8862 2726 9099
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